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Interior painting, after renovating a kitchen or bathroom, is often the most worrisome home updating project our clients undertake.  Why? Because so much can go wrong--paint on the floor, scratched floors, broken lamps or other items, paint on pets, and the list goes on......


The CB3 Painting Difference


But it does not have to be that way. At CB3 Painting, our residential painters make your interior painting project easy and hassle free. So you can focus on the hard stuff, like picking colors!


Preparing Your Home for Painting


First, upon entering your home, all of our painters cover their shoes with clean shoe booties, and start each project by covering all of the areas of your home where they are working with clean paper, clean plastic, and clean drop cloths.


If there will be substantial dust from spackle sanding or repairs, our painters will mask and plastic off the room where they are working to create a barrier between the work area and other areas of your home. And when sanding, we use sanders connected to filtered vacuums. Our painting is virtually dust free


Preparing the Walls for Paint


Once the floors are covered and work areas are separated from the rest of the home, in the areas we are working we will cover with clean painters plastic all furniture, remove any switch-plate and outlet covers, and remove HVAC vents and return grills. This prevents painted-on switches and venting. 


After the initial preparation and removal is complete, it's time for the wall preparation: nail holes are filled, visible cracks or lifting spackle tape is repaired, and the walls, ceilings, and doors and trim to be painted are hand sanded to provide the necessary bite for the primer and paint to properly adhere. 


Prime Where Necessary


Once the preparation and sanding is complete, it is time to prime bare surfaces and any other surfaces that require primer, with the top coat or coats as the final step.  All of our paints are self-priming, but many times a separate primer coat is necessary, even with self-priming paints. 


Paint with High Quality, Long Lasting, Premium Residential Paint Products


Once priming is completed, it's time to put the finish coats of paint on the surfaces to be painted. No commercial painting products here. Only high quality, long-lasting painting products are used as finish coats. Benjamin Moore Regal Select and Aura, Sherwin Williams Cashmere, DurationEmerald, and Emerald Designer EditionFarrow & Ball Estate Emulsion, or Fine Paints of Europe Eurolux. Those paints are made to last, and while they cost more in the short run, they actually save money on repaints over the long run. Learn how higher quality better paints save you money.


Post Painting Clean Up


After painting is done, it is time to clean up all dust, plastic, paper, and drop cloths. Then it's time to return the furniture and switch and outlet covers to their original positions, and return your space to you. With all of the paints we use being Zero VOC or Near Zero VOC, you can sleep in your bedroom the same night that it's painted. 


When we paint your home, you won't even know we were there--except for the newly painted walls, of course! 


How to Hire An Interior Painter


If you are interested in hiring a painter to paint a room or a whole house, you can schedule an estimate here, or contact us by email here




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